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look after your minD

AS well as your body


Men have long been conditioned to suppress feelings of emotional distress. As a result it can be very difficult for them to admit to family, friends and most of all to themselves that they are experiencing difficulties. Commonly men feel afraid that doing so may cause them to look weak or stupid.


I want men to know that their mental struggles are nothing to be ashamed of and experiencing emotional distress does not make them less of a man.


Male clients typically feel a huge sense of relief to be able to talk in confidence to a neutral, non-judgemental and professionally-trained therapist in a way that rarely feels possible with family and friends.


The main benefit that men get from therapy is the realisation and understanding that hypnotherapy, counselling and psychotherapy are not only for women and that the truth is that all of us need support at points in our lives - regardless of gender.


Men typically find great benefit too in realising that there is nothing wrong with asking for support and that they do not need to struggle with their problems alone.


As well as common problems I see male clients for such as stress, anxiety, depression, anger, compulsive behaviour, gambling, addiction, relationship problems, phobias and post-traumatic stress, the therapies that I provide can also successfully be used to build confidence, increase self-esteem, stop smoking, lose weight,  increase sporting prowess, increase success at work, overcome fear of public speaking and many other things.


Taking the first step and asking for help should never be considered a moment of weakness - instead it shows true strength.


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© 2024 Kerry Crease Therapy

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